How do you make contact with Enya?


Irish Times has a story called “How do you make contact with Enya to ask can you use her music? A smoke signal?” The article is about millennials’ love for Enya, and how New Age music fast is becoming “the next big thing”.

Tanya Sweeney writes:

“In every way you can think of, Enya is about as far from Charli XCX, Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande as it’s possible to get. And yet the Donegal singer has found herself bang in the middle of not one, but two major pop culture moments of late. (…)

“In the most unlikely turn of events, new age music is generally enjoying a rebirth. For years, it had been derided as naff nonsense that was just about fit for the yoga studio or spa treatment room. But not anymore. “

“Enya is also often categorised as world music, ambient music, or even New Age. In the case of the latter, like many trends, it has come around again, as part of a general appetite for other genres of the 80s and 90s, which is also when global pop/world music emerged as a strong contender in the charts, along with an appetite for what was loosely called ‘Celtic’ music.  (…)

” (…) if you consider how sexuality is something that has become more fluid amongst this generation, so too, arguably, have musical tastes. This is the Spotify generation, less tied to albums, genres, and eras, and more open to the any sound that appeals, without prejudice, and with an ear to experimentation.”

Read the complete article here.

So if you want to sell your New Age music, this is truly a new day. People 20 something is on board again, just like in 80s…  🙂

Above picture by s_bukley – – used under license.