Conversation With Yanni – Dreams Do Come True


One BIG Yanni fan – Maria Senise – had a dream; to have a conversation with Yanni. And yes, it came through, on her bachelorette party!

On Huffington post:

To discover that he [Yanni] was coming to town three weeks before my wedding was thrilling. It almost seemed serendipitous in a way; I mean, how perfect was his timing? I didn’t know if any of my friends would want to go with me, but I threw it out there as an option for my bachelorette party. I was over-the-moon excited and touched when my best friends and bridesmaids agreed not only to accompany me, but to pay for the most expensive tickets in order to get as close as possible to the stage. Prior to our ticket purchase, I had no desire to drape my body in tacky bachelorette decor. That immediately changed once I knew we were going to see Yanni. I was determined to meet him, and I figured my best chance would be to dress like the bride-to-be that I am. My maid of honor had the brilliant idea of us all wearing wigs to further increase our chances of contact.

She’s a genius. She and my other bridesmaid donned the most outlandish, goofy wigs that were made of rainbow-colored tinsel. They topped them with mini, glittery, pink cowboy hats that read “Party Posse.” I wore a bright purple bob wig with a tiara and veil along with a pink sash and jewelry that lit up. We looked ridiculous. My girls really took one for the team… the team being me. To my ecstatic joy and disbelief, Yanni noticed us! It worked! In the middle of his concert, he asked us what was with our hats. I stood up and told him I was getting married and proceeded to have a conversation with him! I’m still in shock this happened; it’s a grand understatement that it made my night.

Read the complete post here and here is a video from the concert and conversation (starting at 4 minutes approx):



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