Interview with Terry Oldfield & Soraya by Kerani



Kerani has posted a wonderful interview with Terry Oldfield & Soraya on It goes like this:
On Friday October 17th 2014, I had the privilege of meeting Terry Oldfield and his wife Soraya for an interview just hours before they were to go on stage at Spiritual Balance in Strijen, (a pitoresque, almost quaint, little town near Dordrecht).
We introduced ourselves over a hot “cuppa”, which obviously broke the ice, and some apple cinnamon cake I had made the night before. While Terry was signing copies of his latest album, Soraya and I got engaged in a short but pleasant conversation. I was charmed by her loveliness as a person and by the ease at which she was able to address delicate issues of life. I could have sat there forever, cuddling my cup of tea, but duty was calling . Afterall, I was there for the interview.

K: Terry, Soraya, thank you for making yourselves available for this interview. Welcome to the Netherlands!
T&S: Thank you. It’s lovely to be here.

K. You arrived last week, you have already given a concert in Belgium and you have also spent some time in England. How does it feel to be back in Europe?
T. Well, I love the autumn leaves. We live in Australia; it’s a wonderful place to live. Because I grew up here in this part of the world. I am always very nostalgic about the seasons and so we were wandering about in Belgium, in Lier and watching the leaves falling on the water, the ducks and the smells that bring back all those memories of my childhood…. It’s just so wonderfull.
Read it here.