Iasos live is an extremely rare occurrence, but when it does happen, his shows are one-to-two-hour multimedia experiences complete with self-designed visuals. NYC can experience this while celebrating the arrival of Fall at Baby’s All Right on September 23 as part of the venue’s first annual “Autumnal Equinox Celebration.”
Then on September 25 at Body Actualized Center, Iasos will be holding a workshop titled “Using Sound for Light-Body-Activation & Healing.” The artist offers further explanation:
Iasos takes you on a “guided tour” of many different ways that sound & music can be used for healing, alignment, and consciousness evolution. Iasos first gives a conceptual overview of the basic principles of “how sound healing works” and “how sound can induce increased coherence & beneficial energetic change”- and then, as he explains each concept, he will play recordings of his music that demonstrate that particular concept. The event then provides a wide range of examples, each of which is both intellectual (talking / left-brain-conceptual) and experiential / intuitive (actually listening & experiencing the sounds : right-brain-intuitive).
See information on Iasos’ homepage.