News from Deva Premal & Miten



Deva Premal & Miten have some exciting news for us this spring:

The Deva & Miten’s European Tour kicks off in Helsinki on May 1, followed by visits to Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Holland, England, Belgium and Switzerland. They are joined as always by our dear Manoseji, and very special guest musicians, Joby Baker and Spencer Cozens. You can find the tour dates and details here.

The Spirit of Mantra, the brand new online 21-Day Mantra Meditation Journey with Deva & Miten, begins May 14. Deva & Miten will again share 21 transfomative mantras, exploring their meaning and essential energetic qualities, and offering guided meditations into the chanting. The program is free and you can register here.

Mantras For Life also releases on May 14. Deva & Miten with Manose offer 12 new jewels intended to support your mantra practice. You can pre-order Mantras For Life at iTunes now, and download one track immediately – a powerful mantra honouring Hanuman which helps us connect strength with spirit.


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