Peter Sterling Concerts



Peter Sterling has the following news for us:

Dear Friends, I wanted to let you know about two up coming concerts in Sedona. Both will be at the Sedona Creative Life Center.

The first is this saturday night May 17th and will take place in the SCLC chapel which is a lovely sacred space with a crystal cathedral. I will be joined by my old Friend Claudia Tulip who is a classically trained flutist and long time member of the William Eaton Trio. She also played on my first award winning cd Harp Magic 20 years ago! We have a wonderful program of music prepared!

The second concert is thursday May 22nd. I will open for and sit in with my dear friend the amazing Tina Malia! Tina sings on my cd Shadow ,Mist and Light which came out in 2008 on the Real Music label. This is the first time Tina and I will perform together! If your in the Sedona area I hope you can catch one or both of these magical music events.
Goddess Bless,Peter