In 1989 there were 200 New Age Music Labels


In her 1989 book  “The New Age Music Guide – Profiles and Recordings of 500 Top New Age Music Artists” Patti Jean Birosik shares an impressive lists of labels dedicated to our genre at this time. Check out the list of 200+ companies below! 

Patti Jean Birosik writes in the preface: “More than two hundred companies and six hundred fifty artists were sent query letters informing them of the ongoing compilation of this guide and requesting sample cassettes with biographical and marketing information. The final inclusion represent the best from a broad spectrum of New Age music subgenres as well as a few seminal artists who have directly influenced today’s musicians through their bold and experimental approach to music for the new millennium.” (page viii)

Many of the below labels had a very short life. Only a few years into the 1990s and the public’s interest in New Age music faded, and only a handful were active in year 2000. But some are still active to this day!

Which of these labels are still active (except the major labels mentioned)? I have found the following: 

  • Hearts of Space
  • Soundings of the Planet
  • Narada Productions/Higher Octave Music (Universal)
  • Silver Wave Records
  • Halpern Sounds

Can you spot any other active label? 

Above picture copyright Bigstockphoto/Epixxx