Best Alternative New Age Music Album 2014



What is an alternative New Age music album? you might ask. My answer is that this is an album that is true to most genre conventions, but at the same time does something completely different. Since New Age music is a genre situated in the borderlands between jazz, pop, rock and classical, mixing of genres is not uncommon. Indeed, this where some of the most interesting music comes to life.

An album that fits this description is Secret World by Doug Hammer and Amethyste. The combination of piano and theremin is quite different and original. It gives a remarkable atmosphere, and the sound is wonderful. That’s why we selected Secret World as this year’s New Age Stars Radio’s Best Alternative Album.

In our review we wrote:

Some music has the power to transport your mind to another world. Simply by clicking the play button you get a glimpse into another dimension. The album Secret World by Doug Hammer and Améthyste Spardel has this rare quality. It might not qualify as easy listening, but it is as beautiful as it is unique.

Secret World reminds me of a fantasy novel or movie. It is like the piano is the “realistic” element, while the theremin represents something otherworldly and imaginative. If the theremin had been replaced by a violin, it wouldn’t have had the same effect.

In conclusion: Secret World is a great album for thinking, creativity and relaxation. I’m hoping that we’ll see more projects by Doug Hammer and Améthyste Spardel in the future. Hopefully there are other secret worlds to discover.



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