Enya not on “150 Greatest Albums Made By Women” List


Melissa Locker on npr.org has written a great essay called “Shocking Omissions: Enya, ‘Watermark'”. The essay is one in a series celebrating deserving artists or albums not included on NPR Music’s list of 150 Greatest Albums Made By Women.

It starts like this:

“Enya prefers to spend her days far from the limelight, creating her soft spun compositions secluded from the world in a private studio in a quiet Irish town. She doesn’t tour, doesn’t show up on red carpets and seems to enjoy being in public only slightly more than someone in the Witness Protection Program. (…)

In short, Enya should not be underrated or brushed off simply because she writes about space angels or even regular ones. She is not only a talented multi-instrumentalist and singer, but she carved out her own niche in a crowded field, bringing not-quite-New Age chic to the masses, becoming a mind-bogglingly successful woman with legions of devoted fans — and it all started with Watermark. (…)

Read the essay here.

Front page picture by Niall More – CC BY-SA 3.0