Jordan De La Sierra – Gymnosphere: Song of the Rose



Vogue has an interesting article about Jordan De La Sierra and the upcoming re-release of his 1977 album Gymnosphere: Song of the Rose.

While many associate New Age philosophy with a study of astrology and believing in the spiritual power of quartz crystals, it might be surprising to discover that a full-fledged accompanying genre of music also developed from the movement in the seventies and eighties. Jordan De La Sierra was one of the genre’s ideal composers, a former student of minimalist pioneer Terry Riley, and someone who infused avant-garde music with the metaphysical, relaxing qualities of the New Age ethos. Numero Group, a record label that specializes in reissuing forgotten classics on December 2, is putting out De La Sierra’s 1977 masterwork, Gymnosphere: Song of the Rose, a record of supple, droning piano that hypnotizes and comforts.

Read the article here.