Medwyn Goodall – Thunder Drums (Taiko) Review



There is a big demand for all kinds of sounds these days. Releases that few physical music stores would sell are now easily available digitally. One such special interest album is Thunder Drums (Taiko) by Medwyn Goodall. If you are looking for a drum only album – or just something different – you should check out this album.

In Medwyn Goodall’s music the focus has always been on melody and atmosphere. But he has a great ear for rhythmic elements as well (as heard on his 100+ albums) and Thunder Drums (Taiko) is yet another proof of that.


Primal Drums
There is something magical in the sound of a drum. It creates an almost a primal reaction in us, and it make us want to move. The heartbeat is the rhythm of our lives, and a drum beat emulates the rise and fall in heart rhythm. A fast beat is equal to fast movements on the dance floor. Taiko is Japanese for drum, and here taiko drumming is an art form. If you are interested, check out the Wikipedia article here.


Thunder Drums is not an uncomplicated release. Here you get 15 tracks with surprisingly high variation. It is never boring. The album can be used for both exercise or meditation where a shifting rhythmical element is needed.


It must be said that if you are really into the taiko drum genre, there are other albums out there that feature live recordings of “jam sessions” with Taiko drummers. Medwyn’s album is more about the presentation of the drum (if that makes sense in a New Age music way) than the actual recording of a highly skilled drummer at work. It is the sequenced music vs. live music discussion all over again.


In conclusion; Thunder Drum (Taiko) is a fine release, and it is filled with well made beats. If you need some new rhythm in you life, give this album a try.


83 /100 – see how I rate music here

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