2014 is now history. It has been, as previously stated, a great year to follow New Age music. It has also been a great year for me as a blogger, and I would like to use this opportunity to thank all readers, listeners and artists and say; Happy New Year to you all!
In early January 2014 I made a big move; I moved this blog from the domain newagemusic.info to my own domain, btfasmer.com. I was unsure how the readers would react to this. But after a few weeks most obviously had updated their links, because I had the same number of readers as before. For this I’m very thankful.
The reason for the move was not really to change the blog URL, but to change from a self hosted blog to WordPress.com. Self hosted blogs demand a lot of technical work, which I enjoy but (sadly) have no time for. WordPress.com has shown itself to be a great choice, since I now can focus totally on the music and have to do no patching and updates.
2014 has been great for me personally as well. In August my daughter Sofia was born. Becoming a parent is the greatest thing of all. It is of course a great responsibility and a lot of work, but it is also a lot of joy.
Now 2015 is here. Let’s hope it will be a year filled with music!
Again; Happy New Year!!!
Thanks so much BT Fasmer for this excellent platform. I always look forward to your posts which are interesting, relevant, and informative. You are a friend of music and musicians worldwide. Happy New Year!!
Best wishes to you for a wonderful 2015!
Thank you for your nice comments! Happy New Year!