New Sound Healing Series from Peter Sterling



Peter Sterling has the following news for us:

I am proud to announce the first release in my new sound healing series! This very special new CD/DVD combo has been specially created for those suffering with Autism and ADHD/ADD! I joined forces with Regina Murphy and Richard Plunketts of Sounds for Self Healing and Suzanne Jonas Ed.D. to create this beautiful DVD that features my music enhanced with specific brain wave and vibro-acoustic frequencies that are known to assist in the reduction of symptoms of these neurological disorders. The music is from my cd Center of the Circle which is a vibrational sound healing cd. We then added beautiful underwater video of dolphins and humback whales swimming in slow motion with special effects that create a halo of light around them. It is a stunning visual that captivates the viewer and creates a deep sense of peace.balance and well being!

Each package contains either 2 audio CD’s or 2 DVD’s. One for Autism and the other for ADHD. The dvd is wonderful to play first thing in the morning and last at night. Also great during tasks and homework. You can play the audio cd where video would be a distraction. Play the cd in the car or softly at bath and bedtime. The sound creates a soothing vibrational cacoon for the little ones!
And for my adult friends struggling with ADHD/ADD I believe this can help you to feel more focused and centered and able to follow thru on the task at hand!
See for more information.