Patriotic Songs – Healing America

Jeffrey Gilliam, a musician based in San Rafael, CA launched “Healing America”: A Patriotic CD/DVD Dedicated To Veterans and all Americans. The project has come to fruition after a long recovery from mercury toxicity.


With a new appreciation for life and the desire to help others, Jeffrey was strongly inspired to create a CD/DVD with patriotic images and songs put to his own arrangement. The whole intention behind it is to help war veterans in their healing process.


Mostly due to a large amalgam filling from 2008, Jeffrey developed many severe symptoms from mercury poisoning. There was fatigue, depression, digestive disorders, fuzzy thinking, prostatitis and worst of all, muscle weakness. At one his lowest points, his legs were getting weaker and it was getting harder to walk. He was fighting for his life and his health. Jeffrey used a mercury free dentist to remove all metal fillings and a holistic detox strategy with herbs, and a specific diet involving foods that pull the toxic metals out of the body.
He also began using meditation as a very effective tool for pain relief, peace of mind and even inspiration. It turns out that this project was created out of doing the meditation practice. One of the aspects of the practice is to notice coincidences in your life then take action when you see the meaning behind them. After many coincidences around veterans, patriotic music, Washington D.C. and more, Jeffrey knew he was meant to create this healing oriented CD/DVD for veterans. Now that he is “mercury free”, Jeffrey is gratefully looking forward to sharing this project to a much wider audience.


You can sample the complete album on Jeffrey Gilliam’s homepage.