Peter Kater – The Piano of My Dreams


Peter Kater has launched his first Kickstarter campaign called “The Piano of My Dreams”. “This Kickstarter campaign is about giving myself the opportunity to do my best possible work. To do my life’s work,” says Kater. “To create an experience thru music that is it’s highest vibration and highest potential.  I’ve reached many of my goals and milestones over the last four decades of music making. But I feel that I have yet to do my best work.”

This is an “all or nothing” Kickstarter campaign with a $35 000 goal by Tue, April 9 2019. As of writing, 5 backers have given $276.

The piano: Yamaha DC7X Disklavier
“What I really need now to do that is the best instrument possible to be my vehicle of expression for the decades to come. I’ve played a lot of pianos through the course of my career. And I’ve owned some beautiful ones,” says Kater. “But I’ve never owned a piano that I felt wasn’t holding me back in some way. The work that I want to do now requires the Piano of My Dreams. That’s what this kick starter campaign is all about for me. I have all the recording equipment. I have all the recording expertise (I’ve engineered and mixed all my Grammy nominated and winning recordings).”

“I have the love and passion for my art and opportunity to share it with people. And now I’m raising the money to buy My Dream Piano. It’s a Yamaha DC7X Disklavier. I’ve recently become a Yamaha Artist and one of the perks for being a Yamaha artist is that they will sell me a piano at wholesale. The piano I’m in love with retails for $105,000. But as a Yamaha artist they’re willing to sell one to me for $55,000 plus tax and delivery ($60,000 total). That’s almost 50% off retail. Wow! That’s a great deal! If I put $30,000 down then I can finance the balance of $30,000 over 10 years. That’s why this Kick Starter Campaign is set to raise $35,000, because after Kick Starters fees, processing fees and fulfillment I’ll have just a little over $30,000 left. And if I raise more than that I’ll just put it towards the piano to pay it off. ”

“At first I was thinking that it’s just too much money to spend on a piano (and on myself).  But after thinking about it, feeling into it and talking it over with some close friends I started to feel that it would be such an amazing gift to myself and to my art to have this dream piano. It’s also an acknowledgment of all the 10’s of thousands of hours and years that I’ve been a dedicated musician to give myself the gift of a lifetime.   There are so many artists that have their dream instruments and why shouldn’t I have mine as well?  It’s my life’s work. Some people spend more than that on a car (I never have).  This is a large investment into my creativity, my passion and my career.   And all I want to do is share it with as many people as possible.”

If you want to help Peter achieve his dreams, head over to  


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