Sounds of new age enjoying a renaissance


I don’t know what will become of this new wave of New Age music awareness, but it is amazing to see how the sound is getting PR from all over the world. This is from The Colombus Dispatch:

“New-age music now has the contemporary electronic underground and the noise underground infused in it as well as the spirit of all the different musics that have evolved since then,” McGuire said. “So I think it is something new.”

At the same time, new-age pioneers from the late 1970s and early 1980s are being rediscovered through a series of reissues, including Celestial Soul Portrait, a collection showcasing electric-flute improviser Iasos; and several volumes by electric zither player Laraaji — including Essence/Universe and the collection Celestial Music: 1978-2011.

Perhaps most audacious is the compilation I Am the Center: Private Issue New Age Music in America, 1950-1990, on the reissue label Light in the Attic, which posits new age as “great American folk art.” I Am the Center was overseen by Douglas Mcgowan, a 37-year-old record collector and label proprietor (of Yoga Records in Eugene, Ore.) who has made proselytizing for new age a crusade.

Read it here.