Tangerine Dream Will Continue



Former Tangerine Dream member Peter Baumann has, according to Teamrock.com, vowed the band will continue following the death of Edgar Froese.

Teamrock.com writes:

“Edgar once said, ‘There is no death, there is just a change of our cosmic address.’ This is a little comfort to us.”

Now Baumann, who played a key role during Tangerine Dream’s 1970s trio era alongside Christopher Franke from 1971 to 1975 then 1975 to 1977, reveals he’d been in discussions with Froese to return to the band.

He says via Facebook: “As all of you, I was shocked by Edgar’s sudden departure. Just a month ago I visited him in Austria making plans for a new project.

“Well, there will be a new project, and Edgar’s fingerprints will be all over it. His personality will permeate everything that is composed and produced under the TD name.”

Read it here.



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