Transcend with Time: Through Memory’s Perception

I find that some of the best and most interesting music is created in crossing point between different genres. This is where new expressions and sound are made. An album like this is Transcend with Time’s third album, Through Memory’s Perception. It is almost like a bridge between two worlds: the world of rock and the world of ambient/new age. Impossible, you might say. No. Not at all, is my reply.

Transcend with Time is a one-man band by Mark Mendieta from Brownsville, Texas. Mark Mendieta also has a progressive rock project called Subject to Thoughts. And the influence from progressive rock is obvious on Through Memory’s Perception. But I think the overall atmosphere is closer to rock or alternative metal, even though the instruments used are the standard ambient/new age setup: dreamy synth pads, strings, piano and light drums. But the real difference is the use of electronic guitar samples, which in true rock style create a rather dark soundscape. Play song no. 7, A Lingering Thought, and you’ll understand. But still the sound is ambient/new age, which makes this into a remarkable album.

Like a Soundtrack
The first song, Open Your Eyes, starts with an eerie, high pitched bird-like sound, dark pads and piano. It could have been the soundtrack to a scary movie. After 1min45sec a much brighter piano melody with a gentle tempo. All the songs are long, this one over 8 minutes, so the album is definitely chill out material.

The title track, no. 2, starts with a happy vibe, much thanks to the samples used. It gets a little darker later in the song, when the only instruments used are strings, guitar and a slow drumbeat. It is almost like a walk from light to darkness.

My favorite track is track no. 3, Visions of Premonition, which is a lot more new age than the rest. The last four minutes with a nice analogue synth reminds me of Tangerine Dream. It is powerful and heartfelt at the same time. Two another new age sounding tracks are no. 5, Cognitive Imagery and track no. 7, Reminiscence. They’re slow moving and gently evolving: it’s beautiful beyond words. The track Signs of Existence is a good example of how a combination new age and rock sounds like. There is this mystical element here, like in many new age songs. Yet it has rock’s in-your-face quality and atmosphere.

Through Memory’s Perception is self released, but is still a professional recording. Some might argue that many of the songs are too long, but I think this make them perfect for relaxation. It is not easy to mix rock and new age, and in this respect Transcend with Time has done a magnificent job. I will also credit Mark Mendieta for the thoughtful and inspired song titles.

The next time a rock fan tells me that he hates new age music, I know of a record that for sure will change his mind: it’s all about memory’s perception. Right?

The album is available on Bandcamp.