Tron Syversen – Voices from Heaven Review



The new album by Tron Syversen and Runar Halonen is called Voices from Heaven – Music for relaxation and wellbeing. It is a truthful title; When listening time seems to fly, and it puts you in a state of deep relaxation. But what’s even better is the album’s structure. For a meditation album Voices from Heaven is quite complex, and that makes it into an interesting – and relaxing – listen.

The general problem with meditation albums are the lack of creativity. Too often artists use the cut & paste method, creating minute after minute of music that sounds the same. Masters of this genre, such as Paul Horn and Steven Halpern, never do that. Their albums are both relaxing and fascinating at the same time. Now we can add Tron Syversen and Runar Halonen to this good company as well. Voices of Heaven is the latest example of their highly creative meditation music (in the past we have reviewed Tron’s Sacred Dreams and Peaceful Journey).

Voices from Above
The album consists of three different parts; Voices in Heaven’s Cathedral, Voices for Mother Earth and Voice of Dream. Heaven’s Cathedral is obviously a grand place, where the voices are distant and ghost-like. The synth arrangement has a hint of both Enigma and Vangelis, and is very well mixed. The ambient melody has just the right atmosphere. This is an album where you don’t fall asleep because the music is so boring, but because of its hypnotic qualities.

On the next track we are back on mother earth again, but it’s not modern day earth; it’s more like an ancient world. The two last tracks take us into the realm of dreams. Still the voices are there, guiding us to a warm and positive place.

With Voices from Heaven Tron and Runar have given us a powerful and inspiring meditation tool. It also shows the potential in meditation music. That in itself is a major accomplishment.

Score: 92/100 – See how I rate music here

Also note that Voices from Heaven Vol 2 was released on 22 September.

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