Upcoming album by Kori Linae Carothers


fireinarainstormThe upcoming album by Kori Linae Carothers will be called Fire in the Rainstorm. On Pledgemusic.com you can participate in the support of the new album. Will Ackerman gives this description of the material:

“Kori and I have been friends for years now and she has been sending me material for a new CD that we hope to record together soon. The new material is certainly recognizable as Kori’s, but has a freedom and expansiveness that is the product of an artist who has come utterly into her own with poise and confidence. I honestly believe this is her finest work yet and hope her fans and admirers will support her in the recording we’re planning. Your support will make you part of something meaningful, beautiful and worthy.”

Kori Linae Carothers says this about the pledge:

This is a time for me to step out of my comfort zone, and create a beautiful solo piano album. I chose to come to you as my internet family, to ask you to help with the creation of this dream.

Several of my friends have offered their time and talents to help achieve my goal to record “Fire in the Rainstorm”. Read over to the right of this box: here –” to see what they have done!

How does it all work?

1. Make a pledge.
To your right, I have made a list of exclusives. The record is given with your pledge, however there are some extra special personal items that are being offered. Also, you will be part of the creation, the behind the scenes with me… THAT is really exciting! Yes?… Yes!

2. Link and authorize Twitter and Facebook.
You can be a voice of our project! Nothing beats word of mouth! Tell your friends that you are part of an album in the making! Pretty cool I think!

3. Updates are my fav!
Videos, songs, ramblings, photos – you get an inside look at how an album comes together – the recording days, bloopers, stories, jokes, walking along Stickney Brook or the WestRiver. I’ll post, you comment -tell me to paint my nails! My Pledge team has made this so easy for me to upload or share so I won’t be losing sleep over keeping you in the loop!

4. Charity of my Choice – Hearing Health Foundation
Once we hit 100% my charitable contribution kicks in. A percentage of monies raised beyond our target, will be donated to Hearing Health Foundation, a great organization with a mission to prevent and cure hearing loss through groundbreaking research.

5. Where’s my Goodies?!!
Once the target is met, we’ll start fulfilling certain items. Shipping packages take time, and everything needs to be here! Promise it will happen as speedy as possible! Gotta do this right!

I am SO honored that you are here and ready to share this experience with me. I can’t tell you thank you enough for pledging!

