Amethystium Weeks on New Age Stars Radio


amethystiumFor the coming three weeks – from 4 to 25 April – New Age Stars Radio is celebrating the music of Amethystium – a music project by Oystein Ramfjord. Our listeners get to hear a very special mix with songs from Amethystium’s eight releases, from Autumn Interlude (1999) to the just released Transience.

live365Amethystium has been among the most popular artists on New Age Stars since we started in 2008, and that is not going to change with the release of Transience. It is a bit darker than previous albums, but it is in every way a magnificent album.

What makes Amethystium so great? I think it has something to do with Ramfjords unique, carefully crafted melodies. Few other electronic music artists master the art of storytelling so well. Listening to an Amethystium album is like reading a masterfully written novel. It takes your mind on a trip to distant places, to worlds with endless possibilities.

About New Age Stars Radio: is one of the most popular web radio hubs on the internet. New Age music is the third most popular genre here, and New Age Stars is the fifth most popular channel in the genre with over 50.000 listeners a month.

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To learn more about Amethystium, go here.



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