Amongst Myselves – The Good Earth


The 2020 release from Australian composer, Steve Roberts aka. Amongst Myselves, takes you on a wander through the history of an Australian landscape and its inhabitants. From the first signs of life to humans looking towards their future in the stars.

Roberts is very proud of the inclusion of his 20 minutes long timelapse film, “On The Margins”, which takes a high definition visual perspective of the track of the same name. Filmed over five years, in and around his beloved Flinders Ranges in the north of South Australia, we feel the presence of former inhabitants of abandoned buildings who took the land to its limit and the seemingly unchanging heavens that overlook them.

The physical album comes with an Audio CD as well as a Blu-ray of the film “On The Margins”.

The album is available on Bandcamp:

For more information and music samples, see


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