Benedict Roff-Marsh – Sleep Call I – IV


“Sleep Call I – IV” by Benedict Roff-Marsh is, as the title implies, a sleep music album. It is also well suited for study or creative work. “I had been wanting to do a Stream of Consciousness album,” says Benedict. “But when I sat down, other things came out. I guess the time was right as this all flowed out really quickly with very little editing or other messing around that is very easy to do in a Digital Audio Workstation environment.”

“The name is taken from the computer programmer’s command to make the operating system sleep. It seemed appropriate seeing that was the exact meaning behind my composition. If we are having trouble sleeping then we are probably out of the flow – the program is calling the wrong things. The sound & vision together try to bring us back into feeling ourselves as part of a larger flow. Everything moves slowly so we will either leave straight away, or we will let ourselves fall into the created space and travel with it.”

The album is available on Bandcamp:

Make sure to visit to learn more about this prolific and talented artist.