Byron Metcalf – The Precipice of Choice


Byron Metcalf’s timely sequel to the high-powered 2007 release “A Warning From the Elders,” “The Precipice of Choice” is simultaneously a polyrhythmic requiem for a planet in trouble and an initiatory gateway for people willing to answer the call-to-action in a time of unparalleled change. A tribal-shamanic wakeup call!

Weaving a potent line-up of featured musicians and guests, “The Precipice of Choice” is an empowered, highly-auspicious sonic signature for the gauntlet of time through which our global civilization is passing. Driven by deep concern about the immense societal and planetary challenges we face, Byron Metcalf’s embodied vision for this album will usher the listener through an experience of activating and mobilizing the conscious Heart-Warrior within. All choices, ultimately, begin at the level of the heart.

Now, more than at any time in our planetary history, we have become a global civilization inextricably intertwined within a living tapestry of interconnectedness, and all of our choices affect the whole.

“All life is interrelated. All persons are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly.”– Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr

The album is available on Bandcamp:

Weaving a potent line-up of featured musicians and guests, “The Precipice of Choice” is an empowered, highly-auspicious sonic signature for the gauntlet of time through which our global civilization is passing. Driven by deep concern about the immense societal and planetary challenges we face, Byron Metcalf’s embodied vision for this album will usher the listener through an experience of activating and mobilizing the conscious Heart-Warrior within. All choices, ultimately, begin at the level of the heart.

For more information and music samples, visit