Cheryl B. Engelhardt – Luminary


After two weeks in a half-abandoned mountain town on the Greek island of Crete at an artist residency, Cheryl B. Engelhardt flew home to New York with something special in her pocket… and on her hard drive. 

She had over 60 minutes of music that she composed and recorded on a grand piano in a stone room. Engelhardt spent half her time in Greece composing and the other half editing and producing the audio (including reversing the audio of plucked piano strings and a bell, giving the album an electronic/orchestra feel without being synthetic). 

LUMINARY was Engelhardt’s solution to her decade-long struggle with anxiety and debilitating panic attacks. She had been searching for something to quell the noise in her head, something to keep her present. To meet her where she was, emotionally, and take her on a journey to a more peaceful state of mind. Engelhardt couldn’t find such recordings, so she decided to compose them herself. 

Sample LUMINARY on Bandcamp: 

LUMINARY is made up of 10, six-minute pieces, some piano-only, some piano, voice (hums and breath). It was Cheryl’s way of crafting a solution to stay present and focused. She sat down each day to write a different song based on a single theme: that of attracting something, like love or abundance, or releasing something, like anxiety or negativity. The song titles subtly reflect those themes.

Please visit for more information.

LUMINARY is now playing on New Age Stars Radio – and a comprehensive review will be published here on shortly. 


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