Today marks the release of David Buchs’ EP “Awakening”. Out now is also the single “Forgiveness”, which is the EP’s breathtakingly beautiful conclusion. It describes the multidimensional and liberating aspects of forgiveness. “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you,” Lewis B. Smedes said. Listening to the single “Forgiveness”, that feeling of finally being free – in every sense of the word – is its defining quality.
Suffering from burnout after a ten-year church planting experience in Manhattan, David Buchs sought out contemplative Christian practices to help rejuvenate his soul. He began imagining a music he could listen to while sitting in silence and practicing Imaginative Prayer, a Christian contemplative practice. He started creating slow, meditative music with electric guitar, viola, and sampling software. In 2016, he released his first EP, “Visions” – and “Dreams” followed in 2018. In our “Dreams” review, we wrote that: “In Buchs’ music is rare kind of beauty and attention to detail. Just close your eyes, and its artistic quality will manifest itself. That is not just a dream or a vision, but undeniable truth.”
I love the way “Forgiveness” starts! Notice the sense of dawning realization that the first 20 seconds contain. The sharp, slow synth sounds larger than life. The way the even sharper cello cuts in is inspired – as if indicating that nothing in the forgiveness department comes easy. No, it is a demanding and time-consuming process. The ambient melody is gorgeous; from the first few fragments rises a whole narrative of forgiveness and its life-changing abilities.
Forgiveness is not only about forgiving others but giving yourself a break too. Using this angle, David Buchs’ “Forgiveness” sounds even more divine. If that is even possible.
Sample & find the EP on your favorite streaming service:
In conclusion: “Awakening” is one of those rare releases that seems to be so much more than music. The life wisdom it contains could easily fill several books on religion and philosophy. Instead, it is distilled into 19 minutes and 51 seconds of musical poetry.
“Forgiveness” makes sure that the EP ends on a high note. If you listen carefully, you can sense all the different emotions that forgiveness consists of empathy, compassion, understanding, and even a touch of euphoric joy.
“Awakening” by David Buchs is, in short, music for the soul. Save it for special occasions.
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