David Wright – The Lost Colony


‘The Lost Colony’ is David Wright’s musical interpretation of the sci-fi novel by Matt Howarth. David Wright’s unique musical canvas is perfect for the expressive brushstrokes needed to help capture, in our mind’s eye, the journey vividly presented by Matt Howarth’s enthralling sci-fi novella.

Press release by Higher Level Media

Of course, the adventure on the desert world is in itself expertly crafted by Matt, so David’s music is more a musical interpretation, rather than a soundtrack.

The music is very atmospheric and with a strong sense of identity and narrative. It contains some of David Wright’s strongest themes and adventurous electronic excursions from his massed array of synthesizers. Guitarist Andy Lobban also features on acoustic and lead guitar. ‘The Lost Colony’ is probably the most commercial David Wright offering to date.

“A colony ship lands on their target world to find it is not what they were led to expect. Life is a harsh struggle, a seemingly losing battle against the local environment. When a glimmer of salvation arises, the colonists must overcome fatalism and fight to support hope of survival”.

For more information and music samples, see admusicshop.com


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