Earnshaw & Roff-Marsh – Kosmicheskoye Tango


“Kosmicheskoye Tango” is a collaboration between Adrian Earnshaw and Benedict Roff-Marsh. Benedict says: “I have known Adrian for a while on and off over the internet for many years. I saw he was looking to work with others and his style is complementary to mine, so I reached out. We tried a track and a few days later “Memories of Cultures” was there. We both liked the experience and results enough to commit to a whole album.”

Sample the album on Bandcamp:

About how the album was made, Benedict says: “Adrian sent over the initial idea/s and I fleshed them out with more melodies, parts, etc. Once we both felt happy with the track, I mixed what we had which was usually a mixture of sounds from Adrian and myself.

I made the cover once we had all the tracks and rather than doing the expected Berlin School thing of a spacey photo with titles, I decided to represent the meta-story of how the album was made. It was a “foreign correspondent” feel of Adrian & I sharing our stories through the mail – hence the Russian space stamps & grubby fingerprints.”

For more information and music samples, see Bandcamp and benedictroffmarsh.com