Exclusive Video Premiere – Every Moment by Joseph L Young


We are proud to bring you an exclusive video premiere; “Every Moment” by Joseph L Young!

This is the title track from Young’s fifth album, and is his return to the instrument which first awakened his muse; the saxophone. Enjoy the video below! Remember to like & share.

Here’s a presentation of the album by the artist:

“The story behind this album relates to time. Not only in the way we usually perceive it, but also how time relates to those we love. It’s the way time can pass in the blink of an eye, and before we know it years have flown by, as if we are Falling Through Time. Or Once In A While time can just stand still in one singular presence of beauty. As I look back on the complex Prism of my life like a Time Traveler, I see how many precious moments have slipped through my fingers. My parents are growing older…my prior marriage dissolved…friends have passed. I don’t want to lose another minute of life. So today I strive to be present in Every Moment, to appreciate and love and share, to be real and vulnerable and honest, and above all, to be kind.

Not only is this album long overdue, it’s also tenderly personal to me. Saxophone is my first instrument, which I’ve been playing since sixth grade. It’s my first true love, if you will. It’s also my father’s favorite instrument. And my beloved wife’s — I wrote the title track for her. I hope my music touches your heart and soul, in the way I created it from my own. Because to me, time translates into love. So the real story behind this album is love. Keep your people close.


And here’s the album sampler:

You may purchase the album on Bandcamp: