Jacquelyn G. Kleine – Sonic Light


The Sonic Light album by Jacquelyn G. Kleine is a soundscape replete of organic electronic rich tones, textures and sonic visions of mystical places like that of Lemuria Symphony of the Dolphins, and space travel Sonic Light to far-away galaxies!

Jacquelyn G. Kleine‘s Electric Flute compositions, Liquid Sound and Tranquility guide you into your center, with calmness and well-being.

Sample the album and find it on your favorite streaming service:

Elderspeak reminds us of the power and wisdom spoken forth by our ancient ancestors, the Great Elders, who respected and lived close to beautiful Gaia.

Breath of Water, organic electronic meditation and sound healing… Ocean effects to help you relax and release stuck tensions. Synthea, the last piece on the album, a kick-back Synthesizer and Electric Flute song dedicated to and about the composer’s synthesizers is a chill way of ending a journey through outer space and deep, mystical, watery realms!

Jacquelyn G. Kleine

St. Louis, MO (USA) based published Composer & Recording Artist, Jacquleyn G. Kleine, the “Electric Flutist” has several other New Age, Soundscape, Neoclassical, Organic Electronic Spacemusic and Fusion albums or singles that can be found on Spotify, Pandora, iTunes/Apple, Amazon Music, Media Net, Tidal and more. Her complete discography can be easily accessed on Spotify, and sheet music compositions can be found on SheetMusicPlus/Hal Leonard.

Jacquelyn G. Kleine’s contact, music and social links: solo.to/electricflutist


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