James Asher & Arthur Hull – Astro Portraits


James Asher is a multi-instrumental composer and producer specialising in world beat and chillout music. Amongst his catalogue of over 30 successful albums his worldbeat album Feet in the Soil has sold over 250,000 copies, and interestingly but at the other end of the spectrum one of his early compositions has been sampled by Tyler the Creator, a high-profile American rapper, who for the second year running has won Grammy for best rap album 2022.

Always fascinated by astrology Asher has always been surprised and disconcerted when people discussing the topic would say – “Oh do you believe in that stuff?!” As if the extent of the knowledge and illumination it provides is down to the mini-forecasts appearing historically in newspapers, rather than an expansive science which provides significant insights into the potential and inclinations of personalities of the twelve zodiac signs.

Sample the album and find it on your favorite streaming service:

Asher decided to set about creating musical portraits of the twelve signs, and engaged the help in the thinking and planning of this with his 20-year co-creative collaborator Arthur Hull, and a team of fine musicians to help with its execution.

Within the whole span of inclinations and temperaments fall the twelve signs , so the extent of the flavours and moods contained is huge. All human life falls into one of the twelve signs, so there is the whole span of inclinations and temperaments.

Air, water, earth and fire are the four elements, each having three signs within its zone. From the airy mental energy of Gemini, Aquarius and Libra, through the watery near psychic sensitivity and feeling world of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, and on to the earthy worlds of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, culminating in the spirit and fire of Leo, Aries and Sagittarius.

Sample the album and find it on your favorite streaming service:

Asher`s Starfield label will release each of the twelve musical titles at the start of each sign`s start date in the zodiac calendar. Hence, for example, the journey begins thus: –

Eye on Libra will be released on September 23rd. This will continue until the final release of Eye on Cancer on June 21st 2023.

For more information and music samples, visit james-asher.co.uk.


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