James Asher & Arthur Hull – Energised by Stars


James Asher is an artist who we have known and loved for his ambitious tackling of a wide scope of different flavoured projects. Bestselling drums album Feet in the Soil, musical interpretations of colour as in Colours of Trance, Indian extravaganzas as in Tigers of the Raj etc. None less so than this one – Energised by Stars – where he creates a piece of music for each of the astrological signs of the zodiac. Here he joins forces again with his longtime collaborator Arthur Hull.

Whereas the astrological cycle traditionally starts with Aries, Asher starts off with January and Capricorn. Energised by Stars weaves a varied and intriguing journey through the signs – at times mysterious and cinematic – and lighthearted and exuberant at others.

Sample the album and find it on your favorite streaming service:

He is aided on the album by some excellent musicianship in the form of Paul Cheneour on flute, Andrew Milnes on sax, Tom Phelan on keys, John Steel on banjo and Alan Howe on guitar. The tracks range from atmospheric and haunting to lively, upbeat and at times whimsical.

As usual, the Asher production standard is top-notch. Everyone`s idea of how the signs can best be evoked musically of course differs, but what you are guaranteed with the album is a highly thought-provoking, entertaining and rewarding journey.

For more information and music samples, visit james-asher.co.uk.
The album is also available on Bandcamp.

Energised by Stars is now playing on New Age Stars!!

Notes about the album 
A musical journey which can help the listener attune to, understand and optimise the potential energies of each month of the year cycle. An artistic impression of the character and flavour of each month ranging from still and meditative to lively and motivational.

Air, water, earth and fire are the four elements, each having three signs within its zone. From the airy mental energy of Gemini, Aquarius and Libra, through the watery near psychic sensitivity and feeling world of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, and on to the earthy worlds of Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, culminating in the spirit and fire of Leo, Aries and Sagitarrius.

Astrology provides a way of looking at the differing qualities of the temperament, character and possibilities open to the twelve signs into which the zodiac is divided.

Though nothing is cast in stone or predesignated by the universe, understanding more of the available natural aptitudes and strengths of both a month, and its associated sign can aid the decision process as to how best fulfill potentials of both the relevant time and person carrying these attributes.

This album provides musical depictions of each of the signs/months.


James Asher – Keyboards, drums, percussion
Arthur Hull – Drums, Percussion
Tom Phelan – Keyboards
Alan Howe – Electric guitar
John Steel – Banjo, guitar
Andrew Milnes – Sax
Paul Cheneour – Flutes