James Asher – Fruition


The extended extraordinary conditions of the past two years have us all stretching and dilating to accommodate the demanding changes in our circumstances, as we emerge shaken to restructure and plan our altered lives. Finding ourselves seeking counter-movements and disciplines that facilitate an easy outbreathing and sense of ease, is the context within which James Asher’s Fruition came about.

After navigating all the strangely contorted arrangements around what had previously been so simple, we are enthused to take time out, and though not yet perhaps arrived at complete joyousness, are more than ready to embrace a mellow calm sense of contentment and arrival. Fruition chimes with this, and offers a space for serene contemplation.

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Though James Asher has released many chillout tracks and albums, creating solo piano tracks is a new departure for his output.

James Asher
Trained as a sound engineer, James Asher‘s first studio was built with equipment loaned by Pete Townshend of the Who. After 25 library albums, Asher formed the label Lumina.

On this was his first commercial album The Great Wheel. Globalarium followed as a first entry into world music fusion. But it was the album Feet in the Soil which boosted his profile. He has made 30 albums, which you may sample in the below Spotify player.


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