Jill Haley – The Winds of Badlands


The Winds of Badlands is a collection of pieces Jill Haley wrote while an Artist in Residence at South Dakota’s Badlands National Park.

The wind was her constant companion while she explored this stark landscape and it greatly influenced her compositions.

 These piano and guitar based pieces also feature the oboe, English horn, and cello.

Jill has released 5 recordings about our National Parks: “The Waters of Glacier”, “National Park Soundscapes”, “Mesa Verde Soundscapes”, “Zion and Bryce Canyon Soundscapes”, and “Glacier Soundscapes”.

After releasing an album of new music, Jill returns to the Park and presents a concert of the completed compositions with video images of the music that inspired the music.

Jill received the “Best Piano with Instrumentation” award from Zone Music Reporter for Mesa Verde Soundscapes.

She has appeared on numerous recordings of instrumental and vocal music by other artists, including Will Ackerman, Fiona Joy, Laura Sullivan and many others. She also performed as a featured artist on English Horn and oboe throughout the country in concerts with Will Ackerman for over 20 years.

To learn more about Jill, visit jillhaley.com

The album is available on Spotify: 



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