Jill Tracy – Evocations of The Moon


“Evocations of The Moon” by Jill Tracy are spontaneous piano pieces utilizing specific frequencies to boost healing, clarity, good physical and mental health. These pieces were all recorded during the coronavirus lockdown, in isolation alone in Tracy’s San Francisco apartment—on the night of the Super Moon. These pieces became sonic spells, keeping her sane and comforted during this crisis.

“Returning to my extreme night owl tendencies, coupled with restlessness, uncertainty, and insomnia, that gorgeous Moon became my trusted companion,” says Tracy ” As the skies grew clearer from lack of pollution, the nights turned even more majestic— Venus glistened like a diamond, the Full Moons unprecedented, much like this time in history.”

“Evocations of The Moon” is available on Bandcamp: 

“I decided to sit in the dark and play piano,” continues Tracy, “evolving planetary and healing frequencies into my own melodies to soothe, and boost my passion, creativity, health, and well being. I did research into frequencies that would help re-align emotionally from this frightening and surreal time in our lives. When everything changed.

After I recorded these four pieces. I found them always stuck inside my head.
I would return to listen, like an aural talisman protecting me from fear, depression, longing, and anxiety. I never intended to release them publicly. I needed to tap into my inner self again and leave the chaos far in the outside world. As time went by, I received countless emails from people thanking me— saying they were listening to my music while in quarantine, and it was bringing them enormous comfort — so I realized these 4 new lunar pieces needed to be out in the world too.”

For more information and music samples, visit jilltracy.com