Kerani – Equilibrium


On her latest recording, Equilibrium, New Age music keyboardist Kerani uses her music to honor the women of the world, feminine energy, important women in history, and female traits and talents.

“The concept for the Equilibrium album, and the title track, comes from my dream of a world where the male and female energies are in balance and in harmony, where men and women accept and respect each other as they are and treat each other as equals,” Kerani says.

kerani-pictureQuan Yin is an East Asian deity of mercy and compassion, who dedicated her life trying to end suffering. The tune “Fragrant Mountain” is named after the place where Quan Yin meditated in a temple. The slow piano and cello piece “Anchoress” honors deeply religious women in medieval Christianity who chose to live lives of prayer and mortification, but also helped people with advice and prayer.

The composition “Boudicca, Heart on Fire,” which captures a Celtic and Roman atmosphere and builds in power and intensity, was inspired by the queen of the Iceni tribe in Celtic Britain nearly two-thousand years ago, who led a homegrown army against powerful Roman invaders.

The music of “Hypatia’s Universe” pays tribute to the Greek mathematician, astronomer and philosopher Hypatia (AD 360-415) who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, excelled in literature and science, and headed the Neoplatonic School. Historians wrote: she “far surpassed all the philosophers of her own time.” The lyrics of “O Aeterne Deus” were written by Hildegarde von Bingen (1098-1179) a German mystic, visionary, abbess, composer, author, healer and nutritionist. Starting with a medieval sound featuring a female choir and organ, the song builds with piano, synth and drums to a climactic finish.

Kerani says, “’Lady’s Grace’ tries to capture the beauty and elegance of women, and is inspired by the fashion, customs and traditions of the European courts of the 17th and 18th centuries. It was the age of long gowns, petticoats, intricate hairdos, wigs and snuffboxes, but also a time of courteousness, etiquette and grace.” “Avane” celebrates the miracle of life — the conception, growth and birth of a baby girl — as more female energy enters the world. “The Wyse Wytch,” which includes Kerani reciting the names of herbs in Latin, is a tribute to the poor souls who were accused of being witches and were killed (often burned to death) during the witch-hunts throughout Europe and North America between 1450 and 1750.

Kerani played piano and synthesizers on the recording, handled all the female vocal parts, and also arranged, orchestrated and produced. She is joined by special guest musicians including violinist Wilfred Sassen, violist Joanne Wigmans, cellist Joep Willems and trumpet player Jos Gijsen. Some of the musicians are known internationally, such as shakuhachi flute player and recording artist Rodrigo Rodriguez; guitarist (acoustic, electric and dobro) Romain van Beek (who studied at Maastricht Academy of Music and has composed with Mark Knopfler); and flutist and vocalist Jan Mertens.

The album is available on iTunes and CD Baby.

Also check out Kerani’s homepage for more information and samples.



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