Leon unveils debut piano album


Composer Alexander Leon, 21, teams up with pianist Katherine Benson, 21, to record a stunning new set of 24 preludes for solo piano.

Lotus Preludes: 24 Preludes for solo piano is now available worldwide on iTunes, Amazon and many more.

Alexander Leon Ecuadorian-American composer, has garnered some of the top prizes in the music world today including the prestigious Mentoring Prize at the 2015 Global Music Awards, through which he now receives mentoring by industry giant R. Wayne Martin who has worked with names like Billy Joel and Celine Dion. He has won “Best Original Score” at the 2014 Long Island International Film Expo, called by MovieMaker Magazine “one of the 25 coolest film festivals in the world.” He has scored numerous films that have premiered in the Cannes Film Festival, has orchestrated music for musicians like Imogen Heap and Mateo Messina (whose credits include Juno, Thank you for Smoking), and has studied classical composition with Samuel Adler. His orchestral music has been heard in concerts from the USA to Australia, and the National Symphony Orchestra of Ecuador will be programming his music on numerous concerts for the 2016 season. A full bio can be found at http://www.alexjleon.com/bio.html

Katherine Benson, American pianist, is a student of world-renowned professor Nelita True at the Eastman School of Music. Her awards include 1st place in the Tennessee Division of the Music Teachers National Association and Runner-up at the Southeastern Division; 1st place winner for three consecutive years at the Tennessee Music Teachers Association State Competition; 1st place winner at the Bristol Music Club Scholarship Audition (’08, ’11); 1st place winner at the Knoxville Choral Society (’09) alongside a performance at the Society’s Honors Concert; Honorable Mention, Lee University Piano Competition (’09).


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