Michele McLaughlin – Memoirs


Michele McLaughlin has just released a new album. “Memoirs is a collection of twelve solo piano stories that I released as singles over the last 18 months,” says Michele. “Each single release has a song story and most have an official release video to go along with the song.”

The album is available on Bandcamp – or if you want the CD, see Michele’s homepage.

Here are the stories behind the songs, plus the mentioned videos:

1. Thankful: This song is about giving thanks for all the blessings I’ve had and how wonderful my life has been.

2. Pure Joy: This song is about how happy and joyous my life has been over the last year after my boyfriend moved in and we started living together. It’s a song about pure joy and sharing love with another person.

3. Dark Moon: This song is about how, when the moon is low on the horizon, and it is dark and mysterious, yet beautiful and alluring, it is a magical moment to behold.

4. Triumph: This song is about not giving up on your dreams no matter how out of reach or unattainable they seem.

5. Little Love: A little beautiful being of love and light came into my life recently and she brings such joy to my heart. Whenever I play this song, I think of her. This is my sweet song for my “Little Love”.

6. My Life With You: Being in love, and having someone to share your life with, is one of the best things in the world. This is a love song dedicated to the happy place I am in my life right now, and to my love and our life together.

7. Beneath The Surface: I love snorkeling and exploring underwater worlds. Sea life is fascinating and mystifying. Sea turtles, jellyfish, eels, octopus, urchins, coral, fish… it’s all so magical to explore and watch life beneath the surface.

8. Alone: Loneliness can be soul crushing. When you just want to have a companion… someone to share life with… but you’re alone and have no-one. This song is what that loneliness feels like.

9. Winter: The cold, icy landscape during winter portrays a feeling of isolation and loneliness, yet it is stunning and captivating in its raw beauty. It leaves us with a feeling of exquisite sadness while we wait in anticipation of the coming spring.

10. Northern Lights: The Aurora Borealis starts as a flicker in the night sky, and then grows into a spectacular and mystifying light show before it finishes as a flicker of light disappearing into the darkness.

11. Peace: This song is about unity, togetherness, love, acceptance, tolerance, and all the wonderful things that we as humans can express when we open our hearts to one another.

12. Dismissed: A lonely street performer is searching for an adoring audience. She wanders, lost in despair, from town to town, searing for an audience who will love her.

Make sure to visit michelemclaughlin.com


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