New Album by Timothy Wenzel


Timothy Wenzel is now ready with a new album called Distant Horseman. This is what we can expect from this release:

“Comprising twelve instrumental selections, the album Distant Horseman is conceptually both a spiritual and a seasonal journey. It begins with introspective and hauntingly beautiful songs such as the Appalachian-tinged A Bend in the River and the Celtic-influenced title song, Distant Horseman. A Night So Cold continues the winter theme, having been actually written on a such a night. The emotional turning point comes with Forgiven, a deeply-inspired orchestral revelation, which leads into the joyful and spring-like Colors Dancing. A series of three love songs follow, including the charming Ecstasy Eyes and the lively 3/4-time Summer’s Dance. The lilting and joyous finale is Luminous Wake, Starlit Sea.”

And more:

“The songs represent an introspective and allegorical journey, a pondering of what lies beyond the bend in the river. To me the emphasis is on transformation. The uncertainties, the resolution and strengthening of spirit, the journey through the darker parts of our lives and finally the emergence of spirit, cleansed and re-born. But each step along the way is necessary to create such a profound journey. ”

The album has a marvelous cover made by Edson Moraes:


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Spotify-members may sample the album here:



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