Oscar Pascasio – Sensaciones – Melodic, Romantic and Relaxing


“Sensaciones” is the second album by Oscar Pascasio, and follows the style of the previous one (“La Ribera del Pisuerga“, 2013), with melodic, romantic and relaxing themes – showing Oscar’s lived experiences and feelings.

“Sensaciones” consists of ten songs, three of them are played only with piano, and the rest with violin accompaniment. As a novelty, with respect to the previous album, Oscar has also added some orchestral bases.

About each song, Oscar has these stories to share: 

1.- Sensaciones (Sensations): It is born the day I premiered my first album “La ribera del Pisuerga”. When I played that song, I made a small improvisation at the end of the concert, and from that improvisation and the sensations I experienced that moment, the theme was born.

2.- Magia (Magic): After listening to Ennio Morricone I decided to make a song in his honor. It is a theme that I have dedicated to the cinema and to the “Magic” that the soundtracks awaken in me.

3.- Estoy aquí: (I am here): My wife is in her last months of pregnancy with my first child. Her belly begins to move, I put my hand on, and for a few minutes my son transmits everything that can be heard on the theme.

4.- Sintiéndome parte de ti: (Feeling part of you): A walk through nature and suddenly I feel so good that it seems as if I were part of it.

5.- Te echo de menos (I miss you): Everyone misses someone. That person does not have to be someone who is no longer among us, or yes. It can be a friend who has not seen us for a long time, or a son who has left for the University. The song is dedicated to my grandfather, José María Monzón, who was a musician and my first teacher.

6.- Jugando: (Playing): Improvising with the piano, this theme is born.

7.- Gotas de lluvia (Raindrops): Again inspired by nature. Theme with pizzicatos imitating drops of rain.

8.- Juntos de nuevo: (Together again): It tells the story of the reconcilation of a couple.

9.- On board: Theme composed for a Spanish technology company called Xesol Innovation, which struggles to get the autonomous car. The theme serves to promote some of their videos on YouTube

10.- Memorias de una vida (Memoirs of a lifetime): We take a look back and remember the good moments lived.

For more information, see oscarpascasio.com  The page is in Spanish, but there’s is a handy translation tool available.

“Sensaciones” is now playing on New Age Stars Radio 🙂