Raphael Groten – Great Blue


Multi-instrumentalist Raphael Groten invited noted producer and close
friend Krishna Bright to record an album of solo flute at his home in
Bristol, Vermont. After eight hours, musical magic emerged. Culled
from 170 minutes of recording, eleven tracks of sublimely meditative,
intensely emotive, and deeply personal music came to fruition and the
album Great Blue took form.

Press release by LAZZ Promotions

This is an intimate exploration of the healing sonic qualities and transportive nature of wooden flute music. The performing/recording process was wholly organic in nature. As
Groten shares: “After grounding, centering, and setting my intention to
record healing music, I began with the first flute that called to me,
continuing throughout the day, as they took turns speaking through me.
Each flute brought forward a unique song, while weaving themes and
melodies throughout. None of these songs were pre-conceived, and
each flute surprised me with what they had to say. The track order
reveals the order in which the flutes were played, staying true to the
flow of the recording process.”

Sample the album and find it on your favorite streaming service:

Great Blue takes the listener on a voyage of both internal journeying
as well as crafting scenes of natural beauty for those who tap into the
same well-spring as the artist did. “As I reviewed the rough tracks, I
contemplated adding nature sounds, as often songs would evoke a
certain place or element, whether rain, river, ocean, wind, birdsong, or
thunder… Yet as I listened to these songs in the woods or by the river,
I recognized that nature was bringing her own voice to each moment.
I invite you to bring this music into nature with you and allow the
sounds of your environment to sing with the flutes.”

For more information and music samples, visit raphaelgroten.com.


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