Reis Taylor Dixon – Awake to Dream


“Awake to Dream” by Reis Taylor Dixon is a double entendre; We dream while we sleep, yet in order to fulfill our dreams in life, both our mind and heart must truly be awake. “This is how the concept for this album began,” says Taylor Dixon. “However, my vision became blurry as my heart walked away.” In this chapter we find Reis feeling unsure of himself and uncertain of his future. A relationship spanning more than a decade, gone in the blink of an eye. Throughout this album, Reis delivers his emotional endeavor of heartache and perseverance.

Press release by Higher Level Media

Each piece has a story
Capturing feelings of solitude, anguish, and despair, all whilst pursuing one of life’s hardest lessons ‘learning to forgive’. (Track 04 – ‘Forgiveness, One Day…’). Collaborating through the visionary artwork of ‘Mark Grieves’; Reis is able to portray his story of such melancholy events unfolding.

Reis stayed true to the original concept of this album, maintaining the level of consciousness needed in order to continue pursuing his dreams. Reis regained his focus and quickly found himself featuring as an artist on David Nevue’s popular radio station Whisperings Solo Piano Radio. After traveling to Seattle to meet with David and the other artists, Reis finally felt a purpose to something, and finally felt like he belonged again. Upon his return to the UK, Reis was compelled to write a piece of music reflecting his experience in the US. This led to composing Track 11 ‘A Sense of Belonging’, and with this ‘Awake to Dream’ was completed.

The front cover represents ‘Love’ in its truest sense (two figures sat together on a bench of black & white piano keys lovingly embracing one another whilst a delicate rose rests between them). The back cover however tells much more of a solemn story, again featuring two figures, only this time they are separate. One of which is a shadowed figure tapping on a windowpane whilst the other is sat facing away in a state of reminiscence. Both figures in this scene are meant to represent Reis. The shadowed figure trying his best from the other side to wake himself up from the darkness that envelops him.

For more information and music samples, visit


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