Tangerine Dream Today


If you want to get to know Tangerine Dream in the post-Edgar Froese period, two recent TD releases – “Particles” and “Live at the Philharmony Szczecin: Poland 2016” – are an excellent introduction. Edgar is dead, but TD lives on.

The current band is comprised of keyboardists Thorsten Quaeshning, Ulrich Schnauss and violinist Hoshiko Yamane.

TD are introducing a new series of so-called “double Cupdiscs”. This is a mixture of live and studio tracks to surprise your ears, the “4 p.m. Session” for example is a fully improvised track recorded at the famous Dieter Dierks Studios close to Cologne where TD recorded “Alpha Centauri” i.e. in former times. The “Stranger Things” cover has already made massive waves by diverse media stating TD’s beautiful talent to refine music.

Disc: 1

  1. Rubycon
  2. Mirage Of Reality – Part One
  3. Genesis Of Precious Thoughts
  4. Kiev Mission
  5. Logos
  6. Ricochet
  7. Proton Bonfire
  8. White Eagle
  9. Grind

Disc: 2

  1. Dolphin Dance
  2. Warsaw In The Sun
  3. Second Gravity
  4. Madagasmala
  5. Love On A Real Train
  6. Sorcerer Theme
  7. Mirage Of Reality – Part Two
  8. Song Of The Whale
  9. The Silver Boots Of Bartlett Green

“Live at the Philharmony Szczecin: Poland 2016”
Originally Mr. Klaus Schulze, the well-known contemporary of Edgar Froese and pioneer of electronic music was invited to play in the Szczecin Philharmony (Poland) in June 2016, but unfortunately had to cancel the concert due to his severe state of health. So he suggested TD to perform in his stead, which the band thankfully accepted.

The concert took place in a stunningly beautiful location within the framework of the SOUNDLab concert series. This special concert was the first official big concert for the three remaining TD members to perform live within the new period of “THE QUANTUM YEARS”, the period Edgar Froese, founder and head of TD until his death in January 2015, still had the chance to introduce in Australia in 2014. Thorsten Quaeschning, Ulrich Schnauss and Hoshiko Yamane chose a series of well-known and popular TD tracks, but also came up with many new arrangements and some very new tracks from their “QUANTUM KEY EP”. Enjoy listening to a great live concert in Poland in a special atmosphere and with a wonderful audience. Dedicated to Edgar.

Both titles are available at the Eastgate Shop.


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