Todd Mosby Releases New Album: Aerial Views


If the music on guitarist and composer Todd Mosby’s newest release, Aerial Views, seems to take flight and soar, that’s not coincidental. Aerial Views is the third in a series of concept albums that highlight the natural elements; this set of recordings embraces air and early childhood experiences piloting his father’s plane.

By Lydia Sherwood

Produced by the legendary Will Ackerman and Tom Eaton team, Aerial Views features a cast of world-class musicians: violinist Charlie Bisharat, bassist Tony Levin, drummer Jerry Marotta, bassist Michael Manring, percussionist Jeff Haynes, multi-instrumentalist Premik Tubbs on soprano and lap steel, Lola Kristine on piano and vocals to name a few.

“I had early childhood experiences piloting my father’s plane; he was a professional aviator,” Mosby says, “and we spent a lot of time in the air, feeling a special freedom and independence whenever we took to the sky. As I got older, that freedom evolved into an ever-expanding musical and spiritual journey. Music became integral to my sense of centeredness, allowing my spirit to take flight through rhythm and melody. Practice was like a meditation and prayer.”

That freedom is evident throughout Aerial Views, the third in a series of concept albums that highlight the natural elements. It follows Eagle Mountain, a tribute to earth, and Open Waters, dedicated to the seas. In conceiving the music for Aerial Views, Mosby focused on a strong melody and a unique form of harmony inspired by the Imrat guitar; the bulk of the tracks feature Mosby interacting in instrumental settings with some “A” list, heavy-hitting musicians. “I had an abundance of material to pull from,” he says. “Each tune had to survive the production process while remaining engaging enough for each musician to bring their best forward.” Mosby says.

Produced by the legendary Will Ackerman and Tom Eaton team, Aerial Views takes off with “Gliding,” featuring a cast of world-class musicians: bassist Tony Levin, drummer Jerry Marotta, percussionist Jeff Haynes, multi-instrumentalist Premik Tubbs on soprano saxophone and Eaton playing the Fender Rhodes keyboard. Mosby plays both the standard Gibson ES275 guitar as well as acoustic and electric Imrat guitar, an 18-stringed sitar-guitar hybrid bridge instrument created by Ustadt Imrat Khan, Kim Schwartz, and Mosby. Imrat guitars are utilized on four of Aerial Views’ tracks in all.

For more information and music samples, visit

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