Two New Albums by Terry Oldfield


Terry Oldfield has two brand new albums ready for us! “Rhapsody” and “ON Fire” are two very different recordings, showing that Terry is one of the most versatile artists in New Age music.  

The albums are:

About this album Terry says: “This music comes from a place that I have the privilege of being invited into from time to time…It is the place of Inspiration that lies far beyond the rational mind…The Flute, when given voice there becomes an extension of this mind/body instrument known as Terry who is merely an appearance in the Divine play of Krishna or whichever name is given to the One who dreams the Universe and appears as everything”

ON Fire
Tarry says: “These songs came through as a great surprise to me over a period of 6 months last year.. Totally outside my usual genre they insisted on being heard in a more upbeat and modern way.. The lyrics speak of my own personal journey into the Fires of Creation.. the point at which life and death appear in this eternal moment as the one thing going on.. It is my heartfelt wish that these songs may reach out to those who are ready to hear the call to awaken.. to enter into the fire wherein lies the recognition of our true nature.”

You may order the CDs or downloads on Terry Oldfield’s homepage.

Highly recommended!