Christel Veraart – Dreaming of Whales


There is no shortage of whale-inspired albums in the New Age music genre. Dolphin and whale music is a cliché really, as seen in this comic. But when listening to Christel Veraart’s new single, the 16 minutes long “Dreaming of Whales” – such negative descriptions wash away. Indeed, Veraart is almost on par with Terry Oldfield’s classic “Out of the Depths“, it is that good.  

About the single, Christel Veraart writes:

“Dreaming of Whales was originally conceived as an immersive, meditative soundscape to immediately follow the Sedona screening of German director Sebastian Jobst’s poetic film “Ama’ara – Song of the Whales” about spiritual singer and healer Marina Trost as she follows her calling to create a new and loving relationship between humans and these majestic beings.”

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Once Sebastian Jobst heard Veraart’s music, he felt called to create a beautiful short movie combining his own and composer/singer Christel Veraart’s strengths. This unique creative process is actually the reverse of the normal procedure of first conceiving & shooting the film followed by the music being scored to fit the video. The disarming and intense results of this highly creative reversal left this reviewer both speechless and in tears.

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