The New Age All-Stars Show – April 2021


If you want a taste of what’s new & hot in our genre, check out the April edition of The New Age All-Stars Show!

Spring is definitely in the air, as the two opening pieces are about flowers. Enjoy 🙂


John Adorney – Song of the Flowers
AVA – Wildflowers
Greg Maroney & Sherry Finzer – The Gentle Night Surrounds Us
Igor Berin – Midnight Light
Sandeep Raval & James Asher – Wings of Time – Radio Edit
David Wahler – Glance
Ryan Judd & Kristen Miller – Hearts Entwined
Kristen Miller – Away
Dallas David Ochoa – Cliff House
Thierry David – Convolutions

The show is also playing on Spotify and New Age Stars Radio/

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