The New Age All-Stars Show – March 2021


It is time for this month’s New Age All-Stars Show! And WOW, do we have some great music in store for you!

But don’t take my word for it; many Mixcloud users have already set their seal of approval on the March 2021 All-Stars selection! Click to enlarge:

Setlist in plain text:

1. David J. Peña – Mystify
2. Shunia – Alleluia
3. Michael Joseph – The Passage of Time
4. Mark Barnes – Dreaming of You
5. Vincent Boot – Inner Circle
6. Osmunda Music – The Inner Light
7. Force for Good – Uplifters
8. Peter Garnvik – End of a Journey
9. BlueMonk & Michael Whalen – The Secret Garden
10. Ayla Schafer – Guesthouse


Above picture copyright Shutterstock