Billboard Charting Solo Chapman Stick® Artist, Michael Kollwitz, Releases New Album


What could be better than more serenity? Billboard charting solo Chapman Stick® artist Michael Kollwitz has recently released a new compilation album, “Best of Serenity,” featuring fifteen remastered tracks from his award-winning trilogy of “Serenity” albums. The album is a little over an hour long and offers the best of his tranquil compositions in one place.

Based in Sedona, Arizona, Kollwitz is a renowned, award-winning musician whose music can be heard daily in over 1,200 hospitals on the C.A.R.E Channel, along with airlines and spas. He is also a professional speaker and an award-winning former Toastmaster.

The Chapman Stick is a unique instrument that combines guitar, bass, keyboard, and percussion capabilities. Kollwitz has played and composed music for the Chapman Stick since 1976 and is among the few who have brought the instrument to the forefront of contemporary music.

“Best of Serenity” provides an enhanced listening experience compared to the original tracks, highlighting the Chapman Stick’s versatility and incomparable range. Kollwitz’s recent book “Stick With It – Adventures of a Chapman Stick Player” chronicles the early years of the instrument and his friendship with its inventor, the late Emmett Chapman. The book is available on Amazon in several formats, including audiobooks.

For more information, please visit his official website at

Also, see our Michael Kollwitz coverage: