Cory Lavine – Out of the Blue


“Out of the Blue” is the first full-length CD release from pianist/composer Cory Lavine. The album consists of 9 short, light, playful, and very sweet melodies composed and performed by Lavine over a time span of five years when they would arrive to his fingers “Out of the Blue”.

Check out the album sampler:

Solo pianist Cory Lavine’s path to his debut release is quite like no other. He started classical piano lessons at the age of 9 and took six years of lessons. After high school, Cory found himself touring with a rock band called Free Fare that took him all across the country. The band performed in junior and senior high schools presenting anti-drug and anti-alcohol abuse assembly programs, averaging ten shows a week for ten months straight.

After touring for a little more than a year, Lavine thought it was time to head back home to NY. He would later receive his Bachelor’s Degree in music and sociology from St. Lawrence University. Even though he lett the band behind, music remained constant in his heart and soul.

Enjoy the album on Spotify – and make sure to follow the artist!

In the spring of 1998, after a year of youth ministry in North Carolina , Cory heard music calling his name again. He went back to school in Tempe, AZ to study recording and sound engineering . That summer, he moved to Nashville and did an internship at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel, where he worked until 2005 setting up sound equipment for meetings and conventions . A change in company contracts eliminated his job, but he decided to stay in Nashville and continued working at the hotel as a bellman. Because of the exceptional care he took of Opryland’s guests , Cory was awarded the Chairman’s Award for “Passion,” representing ane of the seven values of the hotel. He and six other employees were selected from more than 10,000 employees within the company to represent those seven values.

The award seemed to indicate that Cory had found his calling, but an encounter with a guest of the hotel in 2009 changed that. While escorting the guest to her room, she and Cory shared stories about what had brought them to the hotel. She asked Cory if he was doing anything more with his music and he replies, “No, not at the moment.” She told him,”Just don’t torget why you came here.” He never saw or spake to that guest again. Cory thought that this might have been a message from God telling him to go back to his music.

The beginning of Cory’s debut album was also serendipitous . After returning from a walk ane day, he sat down at his keyboard, hit “record,” and the title track came from out of nowhere. This and the encounter with the mysterious guest became the catalyst for naming his album Out of the Blue.

Since its release in September 2015, Cory Lavine has won Best New Artist from Enlightened Piano Radio at their 2016 awards concert aboard the Carnival Triumph cruise ship. The album was also reviewed and featured on One World Music Radio based in the UK. In his album review, the late music producer and artist Michael Diamond asked Cory if there was anything else he wanted people to know. His reply was , “Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be whatever it is you want to be in lite. Dreams do come true.”

Be sure to visit – where you can purchase the album!

A press release by the artist – via